Westerntoolco.com has been a long-time Starrett Distributor. We have the following Starrett products and much more in our warehouse.
Slide calipers provide large measurement range, flexibility and accuracy up to 0.001.” Starrett offers a broad range of slide calipers with exceptional quality. These tools typically measure outside, inside, depth, and step dimensions
When accuracy greater than or equal to 0.001″ is required, the micrometer is usually the tool for the job. Starrett micrometers are designed and built to the highest standards. A variety types are available including outside, inside, depth, bench and heads. Measurement readouts are available as electronic, digital and traditional vernier.
Height Gages
Used from a flat surface such as a Starrett granite surface plate, height gages measure the distance from the reference surface to some feature of a part, and can do so with exceptional accuracy. accuracy. Starrett offers a full range of height gages.
Depth Gages
Depth needs to be measured in many situations – sometimes by simply putting a precision rule into a hole or slot and determining a measurement by eye. For higher levels of precision, Starrett offers Depth Micrometers. a choice of products varying in form, complexity, cost and accuracy. The most accurate are depth micrometers (electronic, dial and vernier) and dial indicator depth gages.
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