Looking for Tech Cool 35052 ® or Tech Cool ® 35052CF ? Western Tool Company is here to help!
Western Tool Company has been distributing Chemetall products for many years. One of the main reasons we took on the line is because we saw the enormous savings benefit for our customers which we will explain a little later in this article. Below are a few reasons to purchase and use Chemetall fluids from Western Tool Company.
Buy Chemetall Tech Cool® 35052 (303-422-3413 to order)
Buy Chemetall Tech Cool® 35052 (303-422-3413 to order)
Health and Safety
Chemetall has many metalworking fluids that are well known for their proven green technology. What does that mean? It is a Tech Cool® that does not use formaldehyde-releasing triazine-type biocides which has been classified as a known human carcinogen. No one wants that!
By using Chemtall’s Tech Cool® you have the following advantages:
- Bactericide free
- DCHA free
- Enhanced lubricity
- increased corrosion control
- exceptional emulsion stability
- high detergency
- low foaming
- tramp oil rejection
- longer, odor-free sump life
- drier chips
- recyclable for reduced consumption
Chemetall 35052 and Chemetall 35052CF (Chlorine Free) are our most popular coolants at Western Tool and were developed with Boeing Aerospace – a Boeing approved coolant!
Increased Tool Life
Utilizing Tech Cool® 35052 can increase your tool life 20-40%. Huge savings! Let’s give you an example for perspective: If you spend 1 Million on tools a year, that would mean 200,000 in savings. Or say, you spend $10,000 in tools in a year, you could save up to $4,000 in a year.
Free Trail Samples*
We understand that switching coolants is very difficult and can be very expensive process. That is why if you switch to Chemetall for your coolant with Western Tool Company, we give you enough coolant to recharge your machines.
If you are interested in learning more about these fluids, let us know! We are happy to come out to your location if you are in the Denver Metro area. Give us a call at 303-422-3413 or purchase your coolant on our online store!

Resource: www.chemetall.com
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