Call 303-422-3413 to order the following products from HTC:– Cobalt– Countersinks & Burrs– H.S.S.– Reamers– Solid Carbide Drills– Solid Carbide End Mills
Call: 303-422-3413 | Email: contact@westerntoolco.com
Call 303-422-3413 to order the following products from HTC:– Cobalt– Countersinks & Burrs– H.S.S.– Reamers– Solid Carbide Drills– Solid Carbide End Mills
Call 303-422-3413 to order:Bi-Metal Bandsaw BladesSimonds’ new, innovative bi-metal bandsaw blade product range was designed with the specialized depth to meet all metal cutting applications—including general purpose cutting, production cutting, cutting of structural steel, and cutting of tough exotic alloys.Carbide-Tipped Read more…
Call 303-422-3413 to orderExamples of some applications:Metering Valve: 0.0524″ x 1.706″ rectangle 20″ push broach: broached at Hassay Savage with 100% inspectionControl Vent Airframe: 40 slots in rectangle chamber; 1.625″ x 6.000″; broach was pull-type on horizontal machine; accuracy of Read more…
Call 303-422-3413 to order the following products:Centerless Wheels – ResinCenterless Wheels – VitrifiedCut-Off WheelsCutlery & Hand ToolsCylindrical WheelsEnd Grinding & Bearing WheelsFeed Regulating WheelsGear Deburring WheelsGear Grinding WheelsKnife and Hand Tool Grinding WheelsNeedle Pointing WheelsNut Inserted Discs & Cylinder WheelsRoll Read more…
Call 303-422-3413 to order the following product categories from CGW:Vitrified grinding wheelsCut off wheels and grinding discsFlap discs and wheelsCoated Abrasives
Call 303-422-3413 to order the following product categoriesActivationAnodizingCleanersConversion CoatingsCorrosion ProtectionCorrosion Protection PrimersLubricantsMagnetic Particle TestingMetalworking FluidsPaint DetackificationPaint StrippersPassivationPenetrant TestingSealants
Call 303-422-3413 to order.Versatile Precision Punches, Pilots, Die Buttons, & RetainersUnyielding Quality Commitment- Increases tool life and minimizes maintenance costsSuperior Alignment- Better alignment means longer runs, less downtime, and better parts.Precision Tolerance and Concentricity- Three times better than other punchesThe Read more…
Call 303-422-3413 to orderGemini Industries offers a complete line of wood finishing products and support materials including conversion varnishes, pre-catalyzed lacquers, stains, touch up & repair, primers and sealers, urethanes, acrylics, waterbornes, exterior wood stains with our TWP product family Read more…